​Evolutionary Healing
Transformational Resources for Every Soul on an Evolutionary Path
Healing Through Life - $375
Traditional Chinese Medicine provides us with elegant theories to help us understand our body, mind and spirit and offers us a way to find greater balance in our lives and in our environment. The purpose of this healing intensive is to educate practitioners of The L.I.F.E. System about new and simple ways to incorporate these theories into professional practice and to provide the opportunity to experience first-hand the healing power of The L.I.F.E. System.
This 6-week online intensive includes:
Lectures on Chinese medical perspectives relative to the internal organ and meridian systems, namely the Kidneys, Liver, Heart, Spleen and Lungs.
Programs for self-healing that may also be offered to clients in one’s own professional practice
Guided meditations and exercises to deepen and enhance one’s experience of biofeedback
A Power Point presentation and Zoom recording for each weekly session
Deepening practices that include additional programs for home sessions and study
The pre-requisite for this training is the purchase of The L.I.F.E. System and completion of the 9 hours of online training included in the purchase. For more information, please submit your request through the Contact page.
This training is video recorded and available upon request.
To read testimonials for this training, click here.
Evolving Through Life - $375
As human beings, we are multi-dimensional with a body, mind, soul and spirit. To know ourselves, we need to have a map that guides us and a framework upon which to build an Inner Self. This healing intensive presents an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of the Self, resourcing both Chinese medical theories and modern metaphysical teachings, and supports one’s personal development through self-reflection and the power of biofeedback with The L.I.F.E. System.
This 6-week online intensive includes:
Lectures on a variety of topics, including The Spiritual Alignment (a framework for keeping oneself centered, grounded and present), Energetic Boundaries, the Chakra System, the Inner Child, Shamanic Journeying and the Shadow.
Comprehensive programs for self-exploration and understanding that may also be offered to clients in one’s own professional practice
Guided meditations and exercises to enhance one’s personal experiences
A Power Point presentation and Zoom recording for each weekly session
Deepening practices that include additional programs for home sessions and study
The pre-requisite for this training is the purchase of The L.I.F.E. System and completion of the 9 hours of online training included in the purchase. For more information, please submit your request through the Contact page.
This training is video recorded and available upon request.
Recovering Through Life - $375
Through life, we encounter various forms of trauma at different levels and intensities. Understanding what trauma is and how it affects our lives is essential for personal healing and recovery from these effects. This healing intensive presents an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of trauma, post-traumatic stress, addiction and the grieving process, resourcing both Chinese medical theories and modern psycho-emotional concepts, to support self-knowing, personal responsibility and the liberation of the body and mind from dysfunctional patterning through self-reflection and the power of biofeedback with The L.I.F.E. System.
This 6-week online intensive includes:
Lectures on a variety of topics, including The Body-Mind-Spirit Connection, The Nature of Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Co-Dependency & Addiction, Secondary Side Effects of Trauma (such as weight issues and eating disorders) and The Grieving Process.
Comprehensive programs for self-exploration and understanding that may also be offered to clients in one’s own professional practice
Guided meditations and exercises to enhance one’s personal experiences
A Power Point presentation and Zoom recording for each weekly session
Deepening practices that include additional programs for home sessions and study
The pre-requisite for this training is the purchase of The L.I.F.E. System and completion of the 9 hours of online training included in the purchase. For more information, please submit your request through the Contact page.
This training is video recorded and available upon request.